The Life Changing Power of Creating a Life Vision

Life Changing

Do you struggle with staying motivated, keeping on track, and remembering why you are doing what you are doing? Maybe you have been feeling like there’s got to be more to life, but you don’t know where to find it. Or perhaps you’re just confused and frustrated with your present situation, and need a road map out. I’ve been there, I was there for a long time, and creating a Life Vision is what got me away from those feeling and struggles. It can do the same for you!

What is a Life Vision?

A life vision is your own personal vision for what you want your life to be like. It is extremely detailed and specific and it is something that must be written down so that you can review it regularly. You cannot be too specific with it. The more details you add when creating a life vision, the more excited and emotionally invested you are and the more influential it will be. Keep in mind that as you develop yourself and learn new things, your values, principles and desires will change. Make sure that you keep your life vision up to date as these changes occur.

How Does a Life Vision Help Me?

Creating a Life Vision is incredibly useful, because it acts as a sort of mental map that you can pull out and look at when you’re not sure which way to go. For instance, if you know exactly where you want to be in life, then it becomes much easier to stay focused and not get run off course by daily distractions or by the fog of time. It’s also extremely helpful in making big decisions like career moves, living situations, big purchases, marriage, kids, going to school and for what, etc…

Life Vision with a Relationship

If you are married or in a relationship, I definitely suggest that you and your partner both do this separately, and then compare notes. Your life visions will not be the same, and you will both have to make some compromises in order for you both to have a fulfilling life vision together. The difference in your life visions does not mean that you are not compatible or that you need to break up! It simply means that you need to work together to create a life vision that works for both of you. Having a professional third party may help this process for couples.

Basic Guidelines

Here is a very condensed summary of what to do to develop a life vision which you can use for reference when you create your life vision. I will write a walk through after this list for more examples of what to think about and for you to follow along with.

  1. Go someplace comfortable, quiet, and alone with something to write with
  2. Spend 3-5 minutes meditating and clearing your mind, getting in touch with yourself
  3. Imagine your perfect day from the instant you wake up till you fall asleep, in as much detail as possible.
  4. Keep it realistic, but also remember that there are people out there who are building and designing rockets, or are multi millionaires, or own their own private islands, and someone has to figure out how to make humanity interplanetary…why not you?
  5. Imagine your dream relationships with parents, friends, your husband or wife etc…
  6. How much money are you making every year?
  7. What does “work” look like for you? Hint: if it doesn’t excite you, it doesn’t belong in your life vision
  8. Where are you living?
  9. How do you feel, physically, mentally, emotionally?
  10. What do you do for fun in your spare time?

Create Your Life Vision

As I said before, these are some guidelines for what to think about when you create your life vision. Next, I’m going write out an example of someone creating a Life Vision, that you can follow along with. Do not judge the “what”, just write it down and research the “how” later. So, after meditating:


You wake up, and open your eyes. Are you turning off an alarm, waking up naturally, or something else? Are you next to someone in bed, or are you by yourself? What time is it when you wake up? How do you feel, physically, mentally, emotionally? What does your bedroom look like? How is the lighting? What can you see out your bedroom windows, what color are the walls, how high is the ceiling etc…? What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Make coffee, pray, read, write, meditate, work out, have sex, or something else? What do you wear, if anything, when you get out of bed?

When you walk out of your bedroom, what do you see? What does your house look like? How big is it, color scheme, furnishings, lighting etc… Imagine every room in your house this way and write it out. How many bedrooms, bathrooms, studies, secret rooms etc… does it have a basement, an attic? Do you have kids? How many? Do you eat breakfast? What do you eat if so? What do you drink? Are you eating with someone? What does your dishware look like? How do you clean up breakfast? By hand, dishwasher, have you hired someone to cook and clean etc…? What do you do after breakfast, or in place of breakfast, if you don’t eat breakfast?

Mid Day

When does “work” start, whatever that means for you? What are you doing? Where are you doing it? Who are you doing it with? Why are you doing it? What is your afternoon like? The weather? Lunch? Where are you eating? What are you eating? Who are you eating with? What else do you do with your afternoon if it isn’t all work? After work, are you already home or are you coming home? What are you driving?


What time is it when you’re coming home? You’re approaching your house, what do you see? A lot? A farm? Acreage? Neighbors nearby, or no one near by? Where is your house in relation to the town or city you live in or near? Are you coming home to someone? If so, who? How do you feel as you walk in your home at the end of the day, or if you have been home all day, how do you feel at the end of work? Physically, mentally, emotionally? When, what, where and who with is dinner? Are you going out for dinner? Making it? Having it made for you at home?


After dinner, what happens? How do you spend your evening and with who? Staying in? Going out? After your evening time, you’re getting ready for bed? What time is it? What is your bedtime routine? You get into bed, what kind of bed is it? How big is it etc… Are you going to bed with someone? Do you do anything in bed before sleep? Reading, journaling, sex, recapping the day? Right before you close your eyes, how do you feel? Physically, mentally, emotionally? Then sleep. All night? Dreams?

Refine and Plan

Now that you’ve done that, go back over what you’ve written, refine it and make any changes you want. Now, start figuring out what kinds of things need to happen for you to make this vision a reality!

For a little extra reading, this is a good article giving some more perspective on Life Visions, why they’re important, and another take on how to create one. Enjoy!

Aaaaand ACTION!

Now you know exactly where you want to be! So now you can plan your route accordingly, and make choices in your daily life that are going to get you there, and learn to simply say “no” to the things that are going to take you in a different direction. And remember, the journey is part of the fun, so don’t get bogged down thinking about how far you have to go, or how much work its going to take. Think about how much you are going to learn and change as you go. Good luck, and Godspeed!

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  1. After reading about Caleb’s ideas for creating a life vision, I feel like I don’t put nearly enough thought into my daily routine or my future plans. He seems to be a very deep thinking person with great ideas about shaping life into what you want it to be! The thought of looking at your life & chipping away at it to reach your vision can seem daunting! With patience, perseverance and commitment to reaching your vision, the reward would be well worth it!

  2. Hello Caleb, some of these ideas of shaping your life into your life vision sound great. And with much patience, i can see it being a great goal to reach the vision a person would want for themself. I feel that life could interfere greatly with achieving the vision one would strive for however. That is where patience would be critical when life throws a curveball at you. I assume you practice what you preach and apply these techniques to your life. Is it difficult for you to stay on track with reaching your vision for yourself?

    • Hello, Tony, thank you for your comment!
      Any worthy goal will be challenging and present its difficulties. Just like there is no real “get-rich-quick” scheme, there is also no “achieve-your-perfect-life-quick” scheme. So yes, I certainly find it difficult to stay on track at times. However, having a clear vision makes it infinitely easier to stay motivated in the long run and remember why I want to continually face those challenges and difficulties head on. Without my vision, I probably would just choose to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock more often instead of get up and get grinding. Hope this helps!

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