Caleb Rohr Life Coaching

Discover and invent the most authentic version of yourself so that you can:

  • Find Motivation
  • Uncover your Passion
  • Live the Life you Dream of, and
  • Learn how to use your own wisdom and strengths to change your life

Stop letting the past dictate your present and future!

Why Caleb Rohr Life Coaching?

     Caleb Rohr Life Coaching is a personal, 1:1, deep dive into who you are and what makes you, you! If surface level, feel good, comfortable conversations that allow you to safely remain inside your comfort zone are your thing, then this is probably not the Coaching program you are looking for. On the other hand, if you are ready to carefully examine and rewrite your old stories, plunge into some empowering and sometimes difficult conversations with a professional, insightful and compassionate coach, and finally start living the life you know you’re meant to lead…then you have come to the right place!

     Through highs and lows, Caleb has always maintained his love and zest for life, which ultimately led him to where he is now: Using the soil of his past to plant a garden to feed as many people as he can reach! If you feel that your past is holding you back from experiencing the richness of life, then come find out why it is actually the secret ingredient to the life you truly want!

What You Can Gain:

  • Uncover the real you
  • Re-invent yourself
  • Find your passion
  • Live your dream life
  • Get to truly know yourself
  • Create a Life Vision
  • Rewrite the story you’re living
  • Get Unstuck
  • Find Motivation
  • Gain clarity
  • Figure out what’s holding you back and how to overcome it
  • Unlock your creative genius
  • Take control of your life
  • Make a plan for your dreams